

Welcome To TelecommunicationReviews.com


elecommunication Reviews is here to make your decision easier with honest reviews from current, past, or recent clients of phone companies. Every VoIP company claims to be the best in the industry but our site brings you the true facts straight from the clients mouth. Yes, that is right, we make companies put their money where their mouth is. You can talk to previous or current companies that have the future company that you are considering changing to. Our company is based on true facts and nothing more. The reviews do not go on our site until they are strictly validated by our specialists.



How do i write a review?

TelecommunicationReviews.com takes reviews very seriously. We are not the average company that allows any review to pop up on our site. If The process below is descriptive and proves to be a honest review, then your review will appear under the provider you have listed.

Please email myreview@telecommunicationreviews.com

Information that you need to provide.

1) Current, previous or termination of services bill.

2) Company Name

3) Your first and last name, title, address, phone number, and email address.

4) A review of why companies should choose or not choose this carrier.

5) Also, if the carrier decides to call us to negotiate termination of contract with no penalties, will you be willing to remove the review? You do not have to agree to this as future clients of theirs are praying on reviews like ours.

6) May future clients of this provider contact you through TelecommunicationReviews.com? Either by email or phone?



What happens after we send the email?

Good question, our specialist will call and determine if your review is authentic. After verification, your review will be uploaded within 48 hours.